


品牌: SKS
連接器: 圓形
品牌: SKS
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2024-06-12 10:17
瀏覽次數: 126

 德國SKS連接器0,64 mm System

Do not find suitable connectors for your application?

We develop and manufacture connector systems according to your specific requirements and expectations regarding:

  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • Climatic factors.

You can rely on tried and tested contact systems from our company. Modification also allows you to shape your specific needs. The fulfillment of the requirements in jointly agreed burdens and requirements is guideline.

SKS manufactures connectors for a wide range of applications. On the following links you will find some examples and references.


SKS develop and produce circular connectors for a variety of applications, especially for industrial sector. The basis for this is EN61076-2. The standard describes circular connectors with M12, M8 or M5 threads.

SKS also provides further circular connectors, e.g. M23 or 7/8“ from their production range. On the one hand SKS focuses on connectors  for integration in housings and systems and one the other hand on field attachable or overmoulded connectors


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