


品牌: 薩姆森
環(huán)境溫度: –45 -80 °C
材質(zhì): 鋁或不銹鋼
單價: 3888.00元/臺
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2022-02-17 17:44
瀏覽次數(shù): 214

  Special features

      High level of operational reliability due to the flapper/ nozzle assembly and booster valve with a seat and plug Standard version for nominal signals 6, 12, 24 V DC ? Type of protection: intrinsic safety Ex ia and non-sparking Ex nA ? Certification according to ATEX, IECEx, EAC (GOST), NEPSI and TR CMU 1055 ? Power consumption: 6 to 27 mW ? Electrical connection using M16x1.5 cable gland ? Corrosion-resistant enclosure with degree of protection IP 65 ? Pilot supply 1.4 to 10 bar ? Ambient temperature –45 to +80 °C, depending on type of protection, temperature class and seals ? Use with safety shut-off valves, certification for safetyinstrumented systems according to IEC 61508 (SIL), optional Implementation – 3/2-way solenoid valve with KVS 0.32 and NAMUR interface according to VDI/VDE 3845 and VDI/ VDE 3847 – 3/2-way booster valve with KVS 1.4, 2.0, 2.9 or 4.3 – 5/2-way booster valve with KVS 1.4 or 2.9 – 5/3-way booster valve with KVS 1.4 – Attachment to actuators with NAMUR interface, with integral attachment or with NAMUR rib – Restrictor plate with exhaust air or supply restrictor (optional) – Booster valves with NAMUR interface according to VDI/VDE 3845 (optional) – Aluminum or stainless steel

  Qualifications of operating personnel

  The solenoid valve must be mounted, started up, serviced and repaired by fully trained andqualified personnel only; the accepted industry codes and practices are to be observed. Ac-cording to these mounting and operating instructions, trained personnel refers to individualswho are able to judge the work they are assigned to and recognize possible hazards due totheir specialized training, their knowledge and experience as well as their knowledge of theapplicable standards.

  Explosion-protected versions of this device must be operated only by personnel who has un-dergone special training or instructions or who is authorized to work on explosion-protecteddevices in hazardous areas.

  Responsibilities of the operator

  The operator is responsible for proper operation and compliance with the safety regulations.Operators are obliged to provide these mounting and operating instructions as well as thereferenced documents to the operating personnel and to instruct them in proper operation.Furthermore, operators must ensure that operating personnel or third persons are not ex-posed to any danger.

  Responsibilities of operating personnel

  Operating personnel must read and understand these mounting and operating instructions aswell as the referenced documents and observe the specified hazard statements, warnings

  and caution notes. Furthermore, the operating personnel must be familiar with the applicablehealth, safety and accident prevention regulations and comply with them.

  Servicing explosion-protected devices

  If a part of the device on which the explosion protection is based needs to be serviced, thedevice must not be put back into operation until a qualified inspector has assessed it accord-ing to explosion protection requirements, has issued an inspection certificate, or given thedevice a mark of conformity. Inspection by a qualified inspector is not required if the manu-


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