

寶得156767 用于氣動系統的兩位五通脈沖電磁閥和三位五通電磁閥 類型0461

品牌: burkert
類型: 0461
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2020-06-29 09:37
瀏覽次數: 219

 0461 型先導閥由一個帶雙線圈的先導電磁閥和一個氣動閘閥組成。作用原理支持在能耗低、開關時間短的條件下,實現對高壓的開關操作。所有閥門均標配一個手動操作裝置。
Type 0461  
Product sub-group Pneumatic valves  
Valve function L - middle position all port connections closed - inlet port 1, outlet port 4 and 2, vent of outlet ports to 5 respectively 3  
Valve function pulse version 3-conductor version with common plus pole  
Fluidic port connection number 5  
Valve function number of switching positions 3  
Valve function manual actuation Yes  
Valve function manual actuation type Rotary level and Key button combined  
Valve function manual actuation material PA (Polyamide)  
Valve function manual actuation stop Yes  
Valve function manual actuation screw slot Yes  
Pneumatic pilot valve 1 Plunger-type system integrated  
Valve piloting type Electric  
Return type Pneumatic spring + mechanical spring  
Pilot control orifice (mm) 0,5 mm
Pilot control material medium-contacting PA (Polyamide)  
Pilot control material environment-contacting PA (Polyamide)  
Pilot control seal material NBR (Nitrile rubber)  
Main valve operating principle Slide valve  
Main valve orifice 1 (P) (mm) 4 mm
Main valve wetted material PA (Polyamide)  
Main valve material environment-contacting PA (Polyamide)  
Main valve seal material NBR (Nitrile rubber)  
Supply connection type Flanged  
Flange FM19  
Working connection type Flanged  
Working connection position on pneumatic module  
Working connection flange pattern FM19  
Coil size 10 mm
Electrical power consumption min 0,4 W
Electircal power consumption max. 0,4 W
Coil wiring LED No  
Coil wiring overvoltage protection without  
Coil wiring rectifier No  
Coil wiring polarity protection No  
Coil wiring polarity recovery diode No  
Coil wiring polarity recovery diode redundant No  
Power reduction integrated No  
Electrical connection sort Rectangular plug 2,54 mm, 3-pin  
Cable plug in delivery not included  
Electrical connection position Supply side  
Electrical connection polarity Irrelevant  
Electrical connection number of contacts 3  
Voltage / rated voltage 24 V
Voltage / rated voltage 24 V
Protection type (IP max. with suitable connector) IP20  
AC voltage No  
DC voltage Yes  
Battery voltage Yes  
Nominal pressure min 2 bar
Nominal pressure max 7 bar
Temperature environment min 5 °C
Temperature environment max 50 °C
Temperature medium min 5 °C
Temperature medium max 50 °C
Mounting type Metric screws  
Mounting dimensions M2,5 x 40  
Mounting material Stainless steel  
Switch time open max. 20 ms
Switch time close max. 50 ms
Add-on dimension 1 16,5 mm
QNn value (gas) 500 l/min
Nominal operation/Duty cycle 100 %
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