

3-Axis/ 5-Axis Full Servo Robot 700-900mm

品牌: 潤馬
顏色: 白色
單價: 面議
所在地: 廣東 東莞市
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2019-10-29 11:46
瀏覽次數: 1125
 3/5-Axis Full Servo Robot Provider Offers 3-Axis Full Servo Robot, 5-Axis Full Servo Robot, Travel (Up and Down) 700-900mm, for Machines from 80 to 380 Ton.

Runma 700-900 Series traversing robot arm is applicable to all types of horizontal injection machine ranging from 80 to 350 ton for products and sprues take-out.

Single stage or telescopic type vertical arm, with product arm and runner arm, for two plate or three plate mold products take out. 
X-, Y-, Z-axis are driven by AC servo motor, can realize products stacking up on any points inside the mold, as well as at X, Y, Z directions, can cut the runner by scissors driven and inset or embed the accessory by the cylinder.

Model A B C D E F G H I J K L
RQ-700ID(S3, S5) 1550 \ 500 1510 180 200 200 145 830 420 1250 2010
RQ-800ID(S3, S5) 1610 1510 1400 2190
RQ-900ID(S3, S5) 1730 1630 890 1550 2310
Model Applied to injection molding machine (ton) Travel (mm) Side posture angle (degree) Max load (including fixture) Time (sec) Driven way Working pressure (kgf/cm2) Air consumption (nl/cycle) Power Power consumption NW (kg)
up and down pull out cross traveling take-out empty loop
RQ-700ID(S3, S5) 80-220 700 140-830 1250 90 5 1.3 6 x, y, z AC servo motor  5-7 8 AC220±10V 50/60HZ 2.8 180
RQ-800ID(S3, S5) 180-320 800 140-830 1400 1.4 6.5 190
RQ-900ID(S3, S5) 260-380 900 140-890 1550 1.5 7.5 200

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