

Samson薩姆森3730-2型電動氣動閥門定位器 可配備4763型閥體

品牌: Samson薩姆森
規格: 10-20
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2020-12-29 10:52
瀏覽次數: 364

Safety instructions and measures
      Intended tuse

      SAMSON's Type 3730-2 Positioner is mounted on pneumatic control valves and is used to as-sign the valve position to the control signal. The device is designed to operate under exactlydefined conditions (e.g. operating pressure, temperature). Therefore, operators must ensurethat the positioner is only used in applications where the operating conditions correspond tothe technical data. In case operators intend to use the positioner in other applications or con-ditions than specified, contact SAMSON.

      SAMSON does not assume any liability for damage resulting from the failure to use the de-vice for its intended purpose or for damage caused by external forces or any other externalfactors.


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