

PMV D3福斯數(shù)字定位器 Flowserve美國福斯定位器

品牌: PMV
定位器: 美國福斯
單價(jià): 9999.00元/臺(tái)
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2018-11-16 17:24
瀏覽次數(shù): 442
Flowserve美國福斯數(shù)字定位器PMV D3
美國福斯憑借業(yè)界種類齊全的閥門、執(zhí)行器、定位器、控制器和開關(guān)產(chǎn)品,以及廣泛的研發(fā)、工程和全球服務(wù),福斯為各種應(yīng)用環(huán)境提供完整、周密、精益求精的流體控制方案。 福斯閥門幫助客戶提高設(shè)施運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)效率,實(shí)現(xiàn)生產(chǎn)目標(biāo)。我們?cè)诨瘜W(xué)品、電力、石油化工制品、和應(yīng)用領(lǐng)域、煉制、紙漿和紙張、城市用水系統(tǒng)和其他加工工業(yè)有著豐富的時(shí)間經(jīng)驗(yàn)。

行 業(yè)


應(yīng) 用

能源 核能 蒸汽發(fā)電 聯(lián)合循環(huán)發(fā)電 太陽能發(fā)電 生物&廢棄物 地?zé)?/span>油&氣 勘探與開采  管道運(yùn)輸 煉化加工 化工 常規(guī) 特殊化學(xué)生物燃料 制藥  清水 污水 灌溉水利 常規(guī)工業(yè) 造紙采礦 金屬冶煉 食品 玉米濕磨及制乙醇 其它


Model no                                
D3X - Digital positioner with display and indicator, General purpose
D3I - Digital positioner with display and indicator, Intrinsically safe ATEX
D3E - Digital positioner with display, no indicator, Explosion proof ATEX, CSA/FM
D3F - Digital positioner with display, Expl. proof ATEX, IEC,CSA/FM, Direct mnt to FLS Flowact
G - 1/4" G air,  M20 x 1,5 electrical
N - 1/4" NPT air, 1/2" NPT electrical
M - 1/4" NPT air, M20 x 1,5 electrical
Surface treatment                                
U - Powder epoxy
E - Stainless steel enclosure (D3E with N connection only)
S - Single acting
L - Single acting, Fail Freeze
P - Single acting, Fail Freeze remote mounted
M - Single acting, remote mounted
D - Double acting
K - Double acting, Fail Freeze function
Q - Double acting, Fail Freeze remote mounted
R - Double acting, remote mounted
23 - Rotary VDI/VDE 3845
39 - D type with thread/nut for  Linear actuators
09 - Double D type & adator spindle
Cover and Indicator (No indicator on D3E)                                
PVA - Black PMV, 90 deg, Arrow indicator
PVB - Black, Extended travel, 270 deg, Arrow indicator
Z - No pressure sensors, NBR -30°C to 80°C
Y - On Board pressure sensors, ValveSight, NBR -30°C to 80°C
Input signal/Protocoll                                
4 - 4-20 mA
5 - HART, 4-20 mA
P - Profibus PA
F - Foundation Fieldbus (not for D3I)
Feedback option for D3X and D3I only                                
X - No feedback option
T - 4-20 mA transmitter + Alarm (Included in the remote mounted)
S* - Limit switches MEC + 4-20 mA  + Alarm
N* - Limit sensors NAM + 4-20 mA + Alarm
P* - Limit switches PXY + 4-20 mA + Alarm
4* - Slot type Namur sensor, P+F  SJ2 S1N + Alarm
5* - Slot type Namur sensor, P+F  SJ2 SN + Alarm
6* - Slot type Namur sensor, P+F  SJ2N + Alarm
(*) - Not for D3E/D3F
X - No accessories
M - Gauge block with 3 x ports (Included in D3E/D3F)
1 - Gauge block incl 1 gauge brass / NPT 0-11 bar
2 - Gauge block incl 2 gauges brass / NPT 0-11 bar
3 - Gauge block incl 3 gauges brass / NPT 0-11 bar

 Lower operational cost made possible by zero-bleed pneumatic relay that enables very low air consumption to minimize electricity costs and meet EPA bleed limits for natural gas application
 Installation and configuration ease enabled by friction clutch, five simple keys and large graphic LCD display
 Broad application versatility with Hart, Profibus PA, Profibus DP, Foundation Fieldbus and industry-leading IEC ISA100 wireless communication technology
 ATEX, IECEx, CSA, FM and SIL 2 approvals available with some configurations
 ValveSight advanced diagnostics DTM includes Partial Stroke Testing, SIL 2 safety rated, Alu, or SST housings
 Certified for NG as supply medium, meets EPA new leak limit 

配 置

    D3 Standard housing

    D3E Explosion proof housing

    D3S - SIL version

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