

LOGIX 3800福斯數字定位器 Flowserve美國福斯定位器

品牌: Logix
定位器: 美國福斯
單價: 9999.00元/臺
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2018-11-16 17:25
瀏覽次數: 354
Flowserve美國福斯數字定位器LOGIX 3800
美國福斯憑借業界種類齊全的閥門、執行器、定位器、控制器和開關產品,以及廣泛的研發、工程和全球服務,福斯為各種應用環境提供完整、周密、精益求精的流體控制方案。 福斯閥門幫助客戶提高設施運轉效率,實現生產目標。我們在化學品、電力、石油化工制品、和應用領域、煉制、紙漿和紙張、城市用水系統和其他加工工業有著豐富的時間經驗。

行 業


應 用

能源 核能 蒸汽發電 聯合循環發電 太陽能發電 生物&廢棄物 地熱油&氣 勘探與開采  管道運輸 煉化加工 化工 常規 特殊化學生物燃料 制藥  清水 污水 灌溉水利 常規工業 造紙采礦 金屬冶煉 食品 玉米濕磨及制乙醇 其它


             SIL 3 Capable


    Air Cap: 30.6 Nm3/h @ 4.1 bar (18 SCFM @ 60 psi)

    Air Con: 0.082 to 0.637 Nm3/h @ 4.1 bar (0.048 to 0.375 SCFM @ 60 psi)

    Repeatability: ≤0.25%

    Temp: -52°C to 85°C (-61.6°F to 185°F)


              Materials: Copper free Aluminum, Stainless Steel


Robust and reliable
Trouble-free performance in demanding applications is ensured by the shielded, dual-element, non-contact, magneto-resistive position sensor and temperature- compensated, dual-poppet pneumatic relay. The rugged, modular design provides protection from dirt and water ingress (IP-66), impact and vibration.

Easy configuration and calibration
Innovative quick calibration feature greatly simplifies commissioning. One-button setup automatically configures the zero, span and gain of the positioner for most valves in less than 60 seconds.

Predictive diagnostics
Powered by ValveSight DTM, the Logix 3800 has five on-board pressure sensors that enable operators to identify and assess the severity of developing problems so action can be taken before a critical event.

Application versatility
Broad application versatility with industry-leading communication technologies, including analog, HART, Foundation Fieldbus, 4-20 or discrete I/O signals. Optional module to remotely locate the positioner from the control valve. Compatible with a variety of valve and actuation configurations

Increased safety
Intrinsically safe, non-incendive and explosion-proof design from -52°C to 185°C (-62°F to 365°F) ensures safe, reliable operation in hazardous conditions. Certified for use in explosion-proof Exd IIC hazardous locations.

Greater air capacity
Up to 80% more air capacity with minimal air consumption is made possible by the double-poppet technology.

配 置
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