

威德福 MG-1500 螺桿泵電驅(qū)動頭

品牌: 威德福Weatherford
Dynamic bearing capacity: 670,000 N
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2018-05-16 22:36
瀏覽次數(shù): 286
威德福Weatherford MG-1500 螺桿泵電驅(qū)動頭

MG-1500 Electric Direct Drive Provides a reliable, economic solution for a variety of PCP applications,
including heavy to light oil, coalbed methane, and water source wells

• PCP applications driven by electric or hydraulic motors Features and Benefits
• The small footprint is especially useful for height-restricted areas and aesthetically sensitive environments.
• Standard features include a hinged guard for easy sheave and belt inspection or replacement and a three-point lifting system for ease ofhandling.
• The centrifugal braking system provides a resistive torque that is proportional to speed, for a safe release of the backspin energy. Thebrake shoes automatically engage and retract based on speed, which results in a quick, complete, and controlled fluid dump, enabling production to resume quickly.
• The braking system is enclosed and immersed in synthetic oil to manage a wide range in operating temperatures and to lubricate all moving parts for a long service life.

Tool Description
The Weatherford MG-1500 drive is an electric, belt-driven drive with a torque capacity of 1,500 lbf-ft. It is compatible with Weatherford stuffing boxes and various wellhead connections.

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