

E+H恩德斯豪斯 Proline Promag W 500 Electromagnetic flow

品牌: E+H恩德斯豪斯
測量范圍: 9 dm3/min to 110 000 m3/h (2.5 gal/min to 700 Mgal/d)
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2023-06-27 11:53
瀏覽次數: 513

The remote version with up to 3 I/Os and a sensor with EN ISO 12944 corrosion protection

Promag W 500 is the specialist for hazardous areas in the water and wastewater industry and the ideal solution for direct underground installation or permanent underwater use. The innovative remote transmitter maximizes installation flexibility and operational safety in demanding environments. Heartbeat Technology ensures compliance and process safety at all times.


  • For direct underground installation or permanent underwater use – certified sensor

  • Secure, reliable long-term operation – robust and completely welded sensor

  • Energy-saving flow measurement – no pressure loss due to cross-section constriction

  • Maintenance-free – no moving parts

  • Full access to process and diagnostic information – numerous, freely combinable I/Os and fieldbuses

  • Reduced complexity and variety – freely configurable I/O functionality

  • Integrated verification – Heartbeat Technology


    • The bidirectional measuring principle is virtually independent of pressure, density, temperature and viscosity

    • The specialist in the water and wastewater industry for the most demanding applications

    Device properties

    • International drinking water approvals

    • Degree of protection IP68 (Type 6P enclosure)

    • Remote version with up to 3 I/Os

    • Backlit display with touch control and WLAN access

    • Standard cable between sensor and transmitter

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