

rotork羅托克流體動力執行器 RHQ執行器

品牌: rotork羅托克
型號: RHQ執行器
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2019-07-08 17:24
瀏覽次數: 301
 rotork羅托克流體動力執行器 RHQ執行器

RHQ actuators are designed for some of the most challengingvalve actuation applications on earth. They are an excellent choice for thedemanding requirements and adverse conditions found in applications for miningand offshore. The balanced design has a very compact footprint for a givenoutput. Integral lifting lugs are designed to support the weight of both theactuator and the valve.

Standard models feature output torque Up to 700,000 Nm(6,200,000lbf-in) and higher output up to 5,650,000 Nm (50,000,000lbf-in) is available upon request.
Ductile cast-iron or carbon-steel weatherproof housings (IP68)
Lower swept volume than vane type actuators
Electroless nickel-plated cylinders with redundant piston seals
Standard rotation 90° (+/- 5°)
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