

fiorentini菲奧 直動式氣壓調節器 Dival SQD

品牌: fiorentini菲奧
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單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2018-01-25 16:44
瀏覽次數: 184
 The Dival-SQD is a downstream pressure regulator, self actuated, spring loaded for medium and low pressure applications it equipped with incorporated relief valve against temporary overpressure.

Its innovative feature is represented by the particular geometry of the valve body. This allowed creating a regulator that can be integrated with a high flow rate and low pressure loss cartridge filter. This construction concept allows creating pressure reduction assemblies, to be mounted within a cabinet or even to “on board of the machine”, having extremely reduced overall dimensions, compared to the conventional groups assembled in a conventional manner.

It allows remarkable savings in the assembly installation, in terms of development of the connection pipes, bends and special pieces, as well as in terms of a smaller number of man-hours needed for assembly operations.

It is suitable for gaseous, non-corrosive, previously filtered fluids, and it is characterized by a quick reaction to changes in the operating conditions. Therefore, it is particularly suitable for use serving ON/OFF burners and in any industrial processes characterized by quick changes in the flow rate.

The constant regulated pressure and its accuracy, even in presence of significant variations of the upstream pressure and/or flow rate, make the Dival-SQD regulator also particularly suitable in distribution networks for civil use.

The Dival-SQD,regulator, in its basic version, is classified according to the European standard EN 334, as a regulator which reacts in opening (Fail to Open).

It is Truly a TOP ENTRY design, which confers to the regulator management advantages, for example the ability to performs full maintenance without uninstalling it from the connection pipe.

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