

fiorentini菲奧 直動式氣壓調節器 Dival 500

品牌: fiorentini菲奧
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單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2018-01-25 16:37
瀏覽次數: 180
 The DIVAL 500 series of spring loaded, diaphragm controlled balanced plug gas regulators are suitable for low, medium and high pressure.

Divals and shut-off device series regulators are supplied with internal sensing lines. Both the regulator and the shut-off device are preset for optional connection to an external sensing line by the customer.
They are widely used in both civil and industrial installations using Natural Gas, LPG and other non-corrosive gases.

The special regulator design combined with a balanced plug result in:
•    High flow rate coefficient,
•    High accuracy, even at maximum flow rates,
•    Reduced lock-up pressure zone and lock-up pressure,
•    Reduced response times,
•    No internal leakage at zero flow rate,
•    Fail open type,
•    Regular l maintenance without disassembling the body from the pipework,
•    Ability to retrofit the slam-shut OPSO/UPSO, (only LA model) without modifying the existing pipe.

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