

福斯Flowserve Pleuger 電潛泵

品牌: Pleuger
流量: 至 4500 m3/h (19800 gpm)
揚(yáng)程: 至800 m (2625 ft)
功率: 至5000 kW (6700 hp)
單價: 9999.00元/
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2021-01-16 20:12
瀏覽次數(shù): 1344

The Pleuger SubM deep well submersible pump with direct coupled water filled submersible motors has single or multistage design for continuous operation. Huge variety of hydraulics, materials, electrical layouts and options to ensure optimal selection for required service.

Deep Wells Design
 Standard design for deep well or offshore applications (middle intake design / motor underneath pump)

Bottom Intake Design
 Pump unit with intake at bottom for low fluid level applications (motor above pump)

Booster Unit Design
 Submersible pump units located in a horizontal or vertical booster shroud. Installation in a piping system without dynamic sealing.

Flood Control Design
 Submersible pumps with propeller hydraulics and flows up to 100000 m³/h

High Temperature Motor Design
 Special motor is designed for handling fuids with temperatures above a standard of 30°C. with a maximum temperature of 95°C

Cavern Design
 Special design for installation in caverns handling hydrocarbons (explosion proof design)




Submersible pump units are available with various options:
•Radial, half-axial and axial flow hydraulics
•Tie rod and bowl designs
•Heavy duty axial motor bearings
•Materials from reinforced plastic (impellers in NORYL) up to SuperDuplex
•Bowl and impeller wear ring configurations
•Winding insulation materials and winding layouts
•Cable qualities and cable configurations
•Motor filling fluid temperature control
•Accessories (shrouds, control equipment, installation accessories, frequency converters, cables, non return valves, adapters, etc.)

•Pump sizes from 150 mm (6 in) to 1375 mm (55 in), motor sizes from 150 mm (6 in) to 1270 mm (50 in)
•Motor power up to 5000 kW (6700 HP) 2 - 12-pole design, 50 & 60 Hz
•Voltage up to 6600 V
•Permanent magnet motors (up to 200 kW @ 3600 rpm)


•Flows to 4500 m³/h (19800 gpm)
•Heads to 800 m (2625 ft)
•Motor sizes to 5000 kW (6700 hp)



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