

福斯Flowserve 波紋管截止閥 配FISHER DVC6200F 定位器

品牌: Vogt
Size: 1/2" - 2"
Pressure: class 150 - 800
單價: 8888.00元/臺
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2022-04-29 14:58
瀏覽次數: 466

A total containment solution is available with the installation of a Flowserve Vogt Bellowseal Globe Valve, constructed to positively remove any leak paths at the bonnet joint and packing so common in many valve designs.
The Bellows subassembly, with its fl ange seal welded to the valve body,totally confi nes the fl ow of media within the valve body. The valve packing and bonnet gasket are totally isolated by the bellows from the fl owing medium and serve in a back-up sealing role only.

• Zero environmental leakage
• High-strength seamless multi -ply bellows
• Minimum pressure boundary welds
• Flexible graphite packing
• Fully hard-faced seat
All Flowserve Vogt Bellows globe valves are carefully subjected to shell,seat and bellows tests prior to shipment to provide long-term safety and savings through total containment.

Size Range:
NPS  1/2 to 2]
Pressure Class Range:
150 to 800


關于福斯閥門的更多產品及應用,請關注 http://www.flowservevalve.gongboshi,com
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