

福斯Flowserve PA排污截止閥

品牌: Gestra
size: 3/4 " - 2"
Pressure: class 150 - 1500
單價: 8888.00元/臺
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2022-04-29 14:58
瀏覽次數: 339
PA Bottom Blowdown Globe valves are intermittent valves for the manual removing of boiler sludge from land or marine installations. They are particularly designed for installations operated without constant supervision in accordance with TRD 604. Sludge sediments, which are accumulated precipitates from boiler water that settle at the bottom of the boiler, are removed from the steam boiler with the the aid of valve MPA. These valves give the boiler a short blow at regular intervals, thereby discharging accumulated sludge and sediments.

Main feartures:

(M)PA 46 / (M)PA 47
Straight-through valves with rapid-closing mechanism and diaphragm actuator designed with flanged ends or butt-weld ends. MPA with diaphragm actuator, PA with hand lever (fastening clip). Self-tightening stuffing box with separate, externally adjustable preloading sleeve.The valve is provided with a radial stage nozzle.

(M)PA 110
Straight-through valve with rapid-closing mechanism and diaphragm actuator designed with flanged ends or buttweld ends. MPA with diaphragm actuator, PA with hand lever.

關于福斯閥門的更多產品及應用,請關注 http://www.flowservevalve.gongboshi,com

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