

福斯Flowserve G4非潤滑旋塞閥

品牌: Durco
size: 1/2 " - 18"
Pressure: class 150 - 300
單價: 8888.00元/臺
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2017-07-16 22:41
瀏覽次數: 367
All G4 Sleeveline valves offer the proven reliability of the plug/PTFE sleeve primary seal with a fluoropolymer diaphragm secondary seal.

Main feartures:

Positive Stem Seal
The unique fluoropolymer reverse lip diaphragm provides a self-energizing dynamic stem seal where pressure activates the reverse lip to seal against the stem. It also provides a static seal by wedging against the stem with an interference fit.
Line Sealing
The compressive, wedge fit of the tapered plug with the PTFE sleeve serves as the sealing surface. The sleeve totally surrounds plug ports and seals the circumference of the plug, top and bottom. There are no cavities to accumulate product. Sealing is both upstream and downstream.
• Seal is totally independent of line pressure.
• There is no metal-to-metal contact.
• Valve remains free-turning throughout its life and never requires lubrication.
• Seal is adjustable.
• Wiping action between sleeve and plug provides for good slurry handling.
In-Line, Thru-Line Seal Adjustability
In-line seal adjustment is achieved by turning two adjuster fasteners to drive the plug deeper into the sleeve. This saves maintenance and process time because the seal is adjusted in-line and under pressure within seconds. The result is repeatable, bubble-tight shutoff performance.

關于福斯閥門的更多產品及應用,請關注 http://www.flowservevalve.gongboshi,com

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