

RO密封 -美國福斯Flowserve

品牌: BW Seals
最高壓力: 300psi
操作溫度: cryogenics to 260°C
單價: 8888.00元/
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2019-03-31 22:24
瀏覽次數: 641
Features and Benefits

 A simple, proven and dependable design features an open, rotating compression unit that imparts a turbulent flow of the process fluid which helps keep solids away from the seal faces and removes seal generated heat. The flexibly mounted insert compensates for misalignment to ensure seal face contact. Off-the-shelf availability in standard configurations for most chemical pumps.
1. Self centers around the shaft independent of compression unit. Designed to withstand the harsh physical demands of cyclic operation or continuous duty. Multiple springs and drive pins evenly distribute the load. Available in a wide range of materials; in fact, this part can be built to stand up to nearly any known chemical.
2. Sturdy, robust design. Built to perform in aggressive, even abrasive, fluids. Available in any machinable metallurgy.
3. Completely interchangeable materials without changing other components.Available in a wide range of configurations and materials for compatibility with all process fluids and process temperatures.
   RO SEAL000
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