

INNOMAG TB-MAG/U-MAG 化學(xué)過程泵-福斯Flowserve

品牌: 福斯Flowserve-Innomag
流量: 360 m3/h
揚(yáng)程: 153m
壓力: 365 psi
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2019-03-31 22:25
瀏覽次數(shù): 412
INNOMAG TB-MAG/U-MAG Chemical Process Pumps-福斯Flowserve

The Innomag TB-Mag is a thrust-balanced, fluoropolymer-lined, magnetic drive pump for chemical processing, metals and other industries seeking outstanding leak protection and reliability. The TB-Mag is ASME B73.3 and ISO 2858 compliant.
The Innomag U-Mag is a versatile fluoropolymer-lined, magnetic drive pump for smaller-volume applications needing exceptional safety, enhanced performance and highest purity standards.

  • Dynamic Thrust Balancing System eliminates the need for thrust bearings
  • Pump efficiency, reliability and longevity are improved, while operating costs are reduced
  • Pure ETFE Casing Liner is vacuum rated and has a minimum thickness of 3 mm (0.125 in)
  • One-piece ETFE Impeller and Inner Magnet Assembly ensures maximum torque transmission, simplifies maintenance and eliminates balancing
  • Enclosed impeller with unobstructed eye delivers high efficiency and low NPSHR
  • Double-sealed Inner Magnets offer unmatched resistance to corrosive permeation by sheathing the magnets in 316L stainless steel before they are injection molded into the impeller assembly
  • One-piece Composite Containment Shell consists of aramid and carbon fiber reinforced ETFE for optimal leakage protection and corrosion resistance
  • Composite construction means zero eddy current losses for maximum efficiency
  • Stationary Cantilevered Pump Shaft is oversized to handle all radial loads while maximizing flow and minimizing NPSHR
  • Parts Interchangeability among the available sizes reduces inventory costs and eases maintenance
  • Superior solid handling capabilities allow reliable performance up to 30% solids content of 0,13 mm

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