介紹: | - The TS 8 sheet steel baying system, with its symmetrical profile in the width and depth, offers a significant space gain, plus simple interior installation. This likewise ensures bayability from all sides. Additionally, the integral, automatic potential equalisation of all enclosure panels and the triple surface treatment ensure optimum safety.
材料: | - 箱體架:鋼板,1.5 mm
- 頂蓋:鋼板,1.5 mm
- 門:鋼板,2.0 mm
- 后板:鋼板,1.5 mm
- 底板:鋼板,1.5 mm
- 安裝板:鋼板,3.0 mm
表面: | - 箱體架:浸涂底漆
- 門、頂蓋和后壁:浸涂底漆,外經粉末涂層 ,織紋
- 安裝板和底板:鍍鋅
顏色: | |
防護等級 IP,符合 IEC 60 529 標準: | |
防護等級 NEMA: | |
IK 編碼: | |
供貨范圍: | - 箱體架
- 門
- 頂板
- 后板可擰出螺釘后卸下
- 4 個運輸吊環
- 鎖:3 mm 雙齒
- 底板
- 安裝板,高度可調節
- 2 根滑軌
Basic material: | |
尺寸: | - 寬度: 1000 mm
- 高度: 2000 mm
- 深度: 500 mm
安裝板: | |
門數: | |
包裝單元: | |
重量/包裝: | |
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