

利米托克LPS重型氣動執行器 Limitorque執行機構利米托克美國福斯

品牌: Limitorque
執行機構: 重型
單價: 面議
所在地: 上海
有效期至: 長期有效
最后更新: 2018-11-21 15:44
瀏覽次數: 1179

The Limitorque Pneumatic Scotch Yoke (LPS) Heavy-Duty Actuator is designed to meet the industry’s most recent and stringent safety and performance standards for oil and gas applications. With a maximum allowable working pressure of 12 barg (174 psig), the Scotch yoke actuator provides up to 250 kNm (184 000 ft-lb) of precisely controlled torque.

LPS 重型氣動執行器 Limitorque利密托克 原裝**

The Limitorque LPS pneumatic actuator is ideal for any application where a robust design, long service life and high-speed operation are required. Among the most important benefits of this product:

Industry-leading, 25-year design life, depending on service conditions, proper installation, operation and maintenance

Maintenance intervals up to six years or as prescribed in EN 15714 endurance testing

Warranty terms over and above typical industry standards

12 barg (174 psig) maximum allowable working pressure

Quick stroking times — less than 0.5 seconds

Up to 250 kNm (184 000 ft-lb) of torque

NOTE: For sizes up to 800 kNm (590 000 ft-lb), consult factory.

-60°C (-76°F) to 160°C (320°F) operating temperature range

Newly developed controls packages for precise torque control and safety functionality

Product Features

Heavy-duty design features a robust construction with high-strength materials that deliver maximum force while minimizing localized stresses. The LPS is designed for a maximum allowable working pressure of 12 barg

(174 psig), as standard for operation across a full range of applications. Its low displacement design reduces operation and controls package costs. The actuator is available in single-acting spring return and double-acting configurations.

Reliable, compact, high-cycle yoke design minimizes transverse loads. A symmetrical yoke is standard, and a canted yoke is available optionally. The torque module includes numerous heavy-duty features, including:

Maximized valve bore and a closed-yoke design

Guide block for directional alignment of linear forces, transfer of side loads to the guide bar, and transfer of torque to the yoke

Slider block with optimized surface areas for long life, minimal wear and increased efficiency

High-strength yoke pin for maximum torque transfer while minimizing wear and localized stresses

Rapid emergency response in less than 0.5 seconds achieved through optimized design. The LPS is designed with emphasis on ever-increasing requirements for ultra-fast response. The result is the smallest possible displacement volume for given torque outputs, resulting in the fastest possible cylinder exhaust — ideal for emergency applications (ESD or HIPPS).

Standard and custom controls packages are available for myriad applications.

Certifications and Approvals

The LPS actuator is designed to meet industry standards and customer acceptance criteria that define today’s performance and safety requirements for pneumatic actuators. Critical certifications, approvals and standards to which the LPS has been tested are listed here.

Designed and manufactured in accordance with:

EN 60529

EN 13906-1

EN 15714-3

IEC 60079-0

IEC 60721-2-1

IEC 61508

ISO 9001

ISO 5211

ISO 5599

ISO 12490

ISO 12944-2


For information regarding product compliance for ATEX, PED, ASME, SIL and GOST, please contact:

+39 039 62060 200.


Corrosion resistance in accordance with EN15714-3:C5-1/C5-M (or as specified)

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