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采用ABB機器人的好處: 能夠執行任務,在危險的工作條件 降低風險事故在工作 能夠在困難的工作條件,如高 溫度和化學物質存在
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2016-11-08       瀏覽量 : 907        abb-robotics
寶馬的曲柄箱2 -,4 -,6 -,8 -,10 -和12 -氣缸


six series cylinder heads, is equally as positive about how ABB
robots help him in his work. “The robots are an enormous
advantage,” says Ewald. “We couldn’t do it without robots.
The workload would be 20 percent to 30 percent higher
without robots. It would be an enormous job as we would have
to do everything by hand.
Industrial robots may be more reliable, versatile in extreme
working conditions and willing to work around the clock but
Wolf doesn’t expect them fully to replace human workers at
the foundry. “What’s decisive is a high degree of flexibility,”
says Wolf. “Only humans are able to react to altered
conditions and to unforeseen situations. Only humans possess
such a high degree of sensory perception. It is currently
not foreseeable that industria l robots will possess such
” In the meantime, the BMW foundry is striving ahead with new
foundry applications. Aluminum is predominantly used in the
core handling process but magnesium also plays a key role
in the foundry’s production. BMW has invested 110 million
euros to extend its pressure-casting operations and build a
new magnesium foundry covering an area of more than 10,000
square meters. The new foundry houses five furnaces capable
of casting a total of 7,500 kilograms of magnesium per hour.
The first casting using magnesium took place on 21st January
The Landshut plant not only makes use of innovative
technology thanks to ABB robots, it also has become an
innovator itself. BMW has made a breakthrough in technology
by developing the world’s first composite crank case made
of magnesium with an aluminum insert for the straight-six
engine. This makes the BMW Group the first manufacturer of a
water-cooled combustion engine fully exploiting the substantial
weight benefits of magnesium. This means the weight of future
cars can be reduced. And that equals lighter and therefore
more fuel-efficient BMWs powering down our motorways in
the future


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