

利密托克,Limitorque-MX Profibus DTM Software-安裝說明,選型手冊,樣本介紹

  • 文件類型:PDF文檔
  • 文件大小:163.63K
  • 更新日期:2017-03-05
  • 瀏覽次數:211
  • 下載次數:75
  • 上傳會員:limitorque

Continuous surveillance.
Imagine if you could continuously monitor the condition of
every actuator 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Think of how
that could change the way you run your plant, manage your
employees or even how you spend your free time.
Flowserve’s Limitorque MX electric valve actuator Profibus
DP-V1/PA DTM V 1.0 for FDT frame applications is a predictive
maintenance software that is designed to continuously detect
and diagnose abnormalities before they become malfunctions.
With these predictive diagnostics, maintenance needs are identi-
fied at the earliest moments and prioritized so you can schedule
repairs at the most convenient times instead of dealing with an
unscheduled shutdown. In addition, you can avoid the frustra-
tion of spending time and money maintaining fully functional
In a competitive world, this predictive maintenance software will
immediately impact your bottom line by focusing your mainte-
nance dollars where they get the most bang for your buck.
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