Flowserve Limitorque SMB multi-turn actuators:
when maximum service life is a must
When an actuator offering unsurpassed strength and durability
is required, choose a three-decade veteran of the nuclear
power industry: the Flowserve Limitorque SMB series. The
extraordinarily solid construction of these actuators provides
a service life of often more than 30 years. All SMB housings
are rugged cast iron. Weatherproof construction is standard;
other actuators are available for XP, Navy Class A and nuclear
Clearly capable
The SMB series covers a broad scope of capabilities,
producing torque ranging from 15 ft-lb (20 N m) to
60,000 ft-lb (81,349 N m), and handling stem thrusts up
to 500,000 lbs (2,224 kN). As a result, the Limitorque
SMB family makes valve control easier whenever the
application demands maximum durability.