


  • 文件類型:PDF文檔
  • 文件大小:597.75K
  • 更新日期:2017-01-27
  • 瀏覽次數:441
  • 下載次數:163
  • 上傳會員:uechina

High Set
Immerse the sensing portion of the unit in a calibrated temperature
bath or other calibrated source at the desired “Hi Set” temperature.
Allow 5 minutes for the thermal system to stabilize. Using a 1/4"
open end wrench, slowly turn the main adjustment screw towards the
right (counter-clockwise) until the “Hi Set” switch transfers. If switch
does not transfer, turn the main adjustment screw towards the left
(clockwise) until the switch transfers, and then towards the right until it
transfers again. The “Hi Set” switch should now transfer on “temperature
rise” at the bath temperature. If it is desired that the switch transfer on
“temperature fall” at the bath temperature, turn the main adjustment screw
towards the left until the switch transfers again.
Low Set
Lower the temperature of the calibrated bath (or use another bath) to the
desired “Low Set” temperature, and allow 5 minutes for the thermal system
to stabilize. Using a 1/4” open end wrench, slowly turn the low set adjust-
ment screw towards the left until the switch transfers. If switch does not
transfer, turn the low set adjustment screw towards the right until the switch
transfers, and then towards the left until it transfers again. The “Low Set”
switch is now set to actuate at the bath temperature on “temperature fall”. If
it is desired that the “Low Set” switch transfer on “temperature rise” at the
bath temperature, turn the low set adjustment screw towards the right until
the switch transfers.
Fine Adjustment
If it is necessary to “fine adjust” the “High Set” setting, raise the bath tem-
perature to a value slightly higher than the “High Set” temperature. Note the
temperature at which the switch transfers (on rise). Lower the bath tempera-
ture and note when switch transfers again (on fall). Turn the main adjustment
screw towards the left to raise or towards the right to lower the settings.
If necessary, perform the same “fine adjustment” procedure outlined above
for the “Low Set” switch.
Single Switch Units
Uncalibrated (C54, C54S, F54, F54S)
To adjust single switch units, follow “High Set” instructions. For “fine adjust-
ment”, follow Fine Adjustments above.
Calibrated (B54, B54S, E54, E54S)
Turn the reference dial to desired set point by aligning setting on dial with
dowel pin.
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