

利密托克LMENBR0008-03-AQ (LR) MX QX-Limitorque MX和QX閥門執行器 資料介紹

  • 文件類型:PDF文檔
  • 文件大小:322.29K
  • 更新日期:2017-01-12
  • 瀏覽次數:262
  • 下載次數:71
  • 上傳會員:limitorque

Flowserve Limitorque Actuation Systems
Limitorque is an operating unit of Flowserve, a $4 billion-plus company strongly focused on automation and support of the valve industry. Introduced in 1929, Limitorque has 80-plus years of experience in actuating every type of valve.
• Proven history as an industry leader and innovator
• 240,000-square-foot manufacturing and assembly facility in Lynchburg, VA, USA • Global quick response centers in Houston, TX; Suzhou, China; and Mezzago, Italy
• Global service network of factory-trained technicians provides excellent after-sales support
• Complete range of products: - Multi-turn products up to 38,350 lb.ft/52 K Nm of torque and 1.7 million pounds/7650 kN of thrust - Quarter-turn products up to 614,000 ft.lb./832,477 Nm of torque
• Low maintenance, high reliability, durability and long-life actuators that translate into low cost of ownership
• Complete and competitive valve control solutions for all industries
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